Msgr. Sebastian Keeppallil Ex-Officio Member
I am immensely pleased to note that our Gurudev Arts and Science College, Mathil is rendering valuable services to the society at large through its God given education ministry. I would like to place on record a special word of appreciation to the Principal, CEO, Bursar, Staff and all the students who have made the college in a wonderful status in the University and State level.
It gives me great pleasure to explicate that Gurudev Arts & Science College provides a strong foundation of education to the young academic community through a great teaching, learning research, co- curricular and outreach processes. Measures initiated by the management and college administration, the dedication of teaching and non-teaching staff and the enthusiastic participation of our students and parents activities in the recent past contributes for attaining this.
As Poet, Thomas Gray said “There may be precious gems under the sea or there may be beautiful flowers in the inner forest”. But these would not do any good to others. They have to be found, planted or placed where their ornamental values could be appreciated. Its our responsibility to train and foster our students for the best of the future.